One of my best experiences this year has been working as a wildlife monitor on the Wildlife Act – Panthera Leopard Survey in the beautiful Zululand. The survey is run in association with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and Isimangaliso Wetlands Park.
Hanging out with Painted Dogs
I´m back in the Kruger Park after working with a student group at the Dinokeng Game Reserve. I will be guiding a group of volunteers over the next few weeks and I am excited to spend time at my favourite
Wildlife Monitoring in Protected Areas
Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been working with volunteer groups, spreading my time between the Balule Nature Reserve located within the Kruger National Park and the Dinokeng Game Reserve, just north of the Gauteng province. Two protected areas,
The Wattled Crane Recovery Programme
After what seemed like eons I finally graduated with a Diploma in Nature Conservation majoring in animal studies, plant studies, conservation ecology, and resource management. It has certainly been a long journey with the University of South Africa (UNISA). In